I have misplaced my mind

Sunday, August 27, 2006

David's eBlog, Volume 3, "Yummy"

Volume 3! I’m back for the Trilogy, the Trifecta, the Triennial, the Coup d'état! I would like to point out that although this might be the greatest eDition of this eBlog thus far, the pinnacle still remains. So the theme for this week’s main edition is “yummy!” I don’t have a dictionary, since I blew my budget (see last weeks weekend e-Dition) and $3.50 per day doesn’t buy much. I bought a smoothie at the coffee shop the other day and spent more than my per diem. But I did scrape together some money for a contest with a really cool prize. Read on below for more details.

I have been wondering the desert for 4 weeks now, and I have eaten manna (if it tastes like the fish sandwich—More on that later). I have yet to find Moses though.

Today is July 4: So today is July 4th. I need to wish a Happy Birthday out. Happy Birthday Mr. B! My cousin turns 21 today and they were off to Vegas for it, hopefully to win millions of dollars. If they do that, I’m sure that they will share it with me. I have always wanted to go back to Vegas. It has been a really long time since I have been there. The first time that I have memories is from when I turned 21. My parents took me, my brother & sister there, along with Gege and Papa (my grandparents). Those of us who could gamble used to sit around and play nickel slots, while those who were not old enough got harassed by the security guards. I remember when we went to the Hard Rock Casino. It was late and we had eaten dinner, and me and my parents and grandparents went to gamble leaving my bro and sis to sit on the outer ring and wait. Anyway, my little sister fell asleep on one of the lobby couches. A security guard came up to her and asked where her parents were and told her that she couldn’t sleep there. It is really funny to imagine that happening yet today. Anyway, happy b-day B.

Today is Independence Day: Happy 4th of July. Some of you are down at the StL riverfront partying it up. Others of you are camping in the mountains of Colorado or barbequing or just relaxing on a nice day off. Me, I’m working. And working is so much more fun than anything else you all are doing. You should all be so jealous of me (I’m not just referring to the fact that because you all are jealous of me being me!) for this fun. Anyway, they have a lot scheduled here—I will tell you all about it in the next eBlog. You have to leave me SOMETHING to talk about next week!

Give me more!: Before I ramble on too much, I wanted to share some feedback I got from all of my millions upon millions of imaginary loyal followers and my incalculable number of real followers. (The names are changed to protect the innocent.)

“You rock! Keep on writing.”
-Anonymous, New York, NY

“You suck. Stop sending me this crap.”
-Imaginary Reader #2674, Springfield, AE

“We are having a BBQ tomorrow night. You are welcome to come over. We will even have beer.”
-Mean Person who now owes me beer, St. Louis, MO

“I love your writing. You are so funny.”
-Todd, His own little world

I need more feedback. Email me and I will quote you next time.

I am off base again: So last Curryday evening, I went off base to go have dinner at somewhere that wasn’t serving dining facility food. Actually anywhere would have been wonderful to go, with the exception of McDonalds [but that is a different story]. I went to the Al Majless Arab Restaurant in beautiful Doha, Qatar. It was so yummy, like the first beer after a hard days of work, or the first sip of water after running 10 miles, or the first sight of that special someone after you have been across the world for 2 months. I had never been to an Arab Restaurant before although I have been to Middle Eastern restaurants and Mid-Western ones. Anyway, we had hummus and baba ganoush appetizers, both served with fresh hot pita. For dinner, we split a bunch of dishes: chicken on a skewer, grilled fish, little crabs, chicken pieces, fig birds and some beef which I didn’t eat. I liked the chicken, it was a little spicy and the other one was very herby. The fish was OK, but it got cold too fast. It was not served like in Chinese, but like typical American style. The crabs were good, but they were so small and had so little meat that it was hardly worth picking at.
The fig birds were interesting. I have never had fig birds before. I know that most of my loyal following knows what fig birds are like, but I will describe it for those who don’t. “Is it bigger than a breadbox?” No. It is about as large as a roll of quarters. They came 5 of them served inside a tortilla like thing. The lady auditor with us thought it was so that she would “not have to see them.” They were OK tasting. They were very sweet tasting, and the meat was hard to get at because it was not gutted all that well, although there wasn’t much meat to begin with. The wing meat tasted a little bit better than the body. Would I get it again? Eh, probably not. They stuffer from the same problem as the crabs; they are a lot of work for very little food. Anyway, all this food was like $18 or so per person with some fresh strawberry fruit juice and some yummy bread-pudding-like stuff for dessert.

I’m answering your question now: So the most commonly asked question is “How is the food?” I could be doing anything and get asked that question. In fact, the first day I got to Germany I was asked how the food was at the dining hall. I think I will be asked this question until I die. The best comparison for the food here is that is almost the exact same haute cuisine that I found in college. And no, Center Court is still not good. For those of you who don’t know, Center Court was the “buffet style” place at Wash U. Anyway, here they have burgers and fries and chicken every day, and a few rotating “grill” items like chili and the mysterious sandwich that claims to be fish. Oddly enough, it looks like the “meat” at a Chinese restaurant. They have a “theme of the day” which follows a weekly rotation. The only really important one is the curry bar, which happens every CurryDay. They also have a not-fully-cooked baked potato bar, a twice-weekly overcooked & wet pasta bar, a taco bar, a gyro bar and a psudo-american-style-chinese bar (which, of course is on OffDay [aka Sunday]). [If you don’t know which day is which, refer to the original eBlog, which was a Newsletter.] They have a soup and salad bar everyday, which is fairly good, except the dressing. They seem to rotate which kind of fat-free dressing they have by weeks. The first week we were here, it was, according to the bottle, Fat Free “French style” dressing; last week was Italian, this week is ranch. What exactly is “French style?” Is it with “Wee Wee?” Oh come on! You know it is funny! You like that potty humor?

Like a ubiquitous meal in the dining hall hanging over you, it’s time for the
iPod update: So last week, I told you that I was trying to make it through every song on my iPod in alphabetical order. There are about 900 songs, and I am on song 503, “Mary Jane’s Last Dance.” Not like you care anyway. So let’s go on to much more important things.

OK, so nobody listened last time: OK, so I still have yet to receive another package. The bar graph didn’t help. I am now so far behind that it looks like this:
Me: + + (2)
Not Me: = = = = = = = = (8)

This must mean that my loyal following doesn’t really love me like they should. So if I can’t win the package contest, I’m going to cheat. Rather than sending me packages and cookies, which would be really yummy and good, which would have made me love you even more than I already do, send me postcards. Send me them from cool places, places I have never been, places I have been, places I want to go, places I don’t want to go or Colorado Springs. I don’t care, just send me a postcard.

If you send me one, I will send you one back from here. Of all your friends, who can say that they got one from Qatar?!? You can become special! A giant among men, top of the class. And it doesn’t even take much. (This doesn’t mean that I don’t want cookies; I still do.) Mail takes about a week to get here; so the deadline to mail me stuff is the 11th of July (Monday). That way I will be sure to get it.

A really hot contest: So I have yet to get a sunburn. I have come really close to it though. My arms were a little red last week. So here is the contest. Email me entries at dhilburg@yahoo.com with the Subject “Contest”. In the message, guess the date that I will first sunburn, and the place that I will sunburn (on my body). The contest ends either when I sunburn, or July 20th. If nobody wins, then whoever sent me the coolest postcard wins. I am the sole judge of which postcard is the coolest. (The mail takes about a week, so you have a week-ish to put it in the mail.) Postcards previously received don’t count, but I did send you one back. The decision of the judge is final. Don’t enter if you don’t like the small print, but send me a postcard anyway.
(If you don’t receive HTML mail, that wasn’t funny)

Until Next Time: Next time, I will have some interesting stuff on “my room” (if you can call it that), “What I did on my Independence Day,” “The weekend report,” and “Why I am so great!”

As always, please pass this along to all your friends, your family, people you love, and people you hate- If you want to be added to the mailing list, email me.

David of the Desert


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